SLIDA Library is enriched with a collection of modern and authoritative publications, specially in the fields of Public Administration, Management, Financial Management, Accountancy, Environmental studies etc.  Logo In addition, the periodicals both local and international are available for the use of the training program participants and the faculty members.

The lending and the reference sections of the library is open daily from 08.30 am to 4.45 pm .Please contact the Library for the details of opening on Week ends.The card catalogue and computerized catalogue are available to assist readers in their search for reference material. Inter-library lending facilities could also be arranged on request.

The Mission of the library to support the Mission of the Institute by providing the state -of- the art services of a knowledge organization needed for effective teaching. Study and research in field of Management studies and Administration.

fulfill our major goals are enunciated as follows.

  • To provide and maintain a collection of books journals.
  • To develop in the participation of faculty, a collection of resources of the supports the curriculum of the public Administration.
  • To provide access to the collection through cataloging Classification and other retrieval methods.
  • To cooperate with other libraries and related organizations.
Log in to your account:

  Some of facilities  for registered users

  • Extending borrowed books
  • Reserving Books
  • Creating own library 
  • Commenting and Ranking of book titles
  • Suggesting materials to the librarian
  • Tagging a book
  • Maintaining your own book list
  • Individual usage history
  • Calculating fines

If you forget the login, please contact the Library Help Desk( Telephone: 0115980238)

Copyright © 2017 Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration/ Techno. Support: Library, The Open University of Sri Lanka